Approximately four in 10 homes in suburban America are occupied by renters. If your unit is one of those homes—or about to become one—here are a few tips that will help you, your renters, and the association.
Talk to the Property Management Company
The property management company can give you important information about what the association requires of owners and renters and tips about the rental process that will be very helpful, especially if you’re leasing for the first time.
The property management company can give you important information about what the association requires of owners and renters and tips about the rental process that will be very helpful, especially if you’re leasing for the first time.
Check the Documents
Make sure you comply with the association’s governing documents—the bylaws and CC&Rs. They may contain special requirements for non-resident owners who lease their units.Educate
Make sure you comply with the association’s governing documents—the bylaws and CC&Rs. They may contain special requirements for non-resident owners who lease their units.Educate
Prospective Tenants
Be sure to inform prospective renters about the special considerations of living in a community association before they sign a lease. The association will be happy to give you a copy of the rules to pass along. Informed your prospect tenants about the time it usually takes for the association to approve them.
Be sure to inform prospective renters about the special considerations of living in a community association before they sign a lease. The association will be happy to give you a copy of the rules to pass along. Informed your prospect tenants about the time it usually takes for the association to approve them.
Apply with the Association
Once the lease is signed, ask your tenants to apply to the association. They will be ready for move-in once the association has approved them.
Once the lease is signed, ask your tenants to apply to the association. They will be ready for move-in once the association has approved them.
Encourage Tenants to Participate in the Association
Even though tenants have no vote on association matters, they are an important part of our community. Make them feel welcome, provide information that will familiarize them with the association, and encourage them to participate in community activities whenever possible. Today’s renters may be tomorrow’s owners—or even board members. The more we all do to promote a sense of belonging for renters, the more positive and successful the leasing experience will be for everyone.
Even though tenants have no vote on association matters, they are an important part of our community. Make them feel welcome, provide information that will familiarize them with the association, and encourage them to participate in community activities whenever possible. Today’s renters may be tomorrow’s owners—or even board members. The more we all do to promote a sense of belonging for renters, the more positive and successful the leasing experience will be for everyone.